Saturday, January 7, 2012

Day 2 and 3: Kiel to Berlin - "(gasp) the train's full??"

Alrighty all! Greetings from Berlin!!! But first some catching up to do...

So last I left you was with our chaotic first day of arrival haaa... Well we were indeed net lagged because we ended up sleeping for 12 hours!! Much needs rest though indeed, yes. So finally around 9 or so, just as Nik was leaving for class, we finally got our butts out of bed and showered. Then Ash and I ventured down Nik's street and found a great little coffee shop that outlooked the street - perfect for people watching - where we sipped out coffee, munched on a Mohnstrudel, started planning Berlin, laughed of course, and admired all the babies in their (goose) down carriages. Highlight of the morning = down carriages. =]. Then Nik met up with us, went back to his apartment where we all chilled until he left for his warm up class prior to the Nusskracker performance, which Ash and I went to at 8pm! Oh Nik... Soooo goofy as a clown and rat- I could pick him out hands down immediately as a rat from his mannerisms to his toothpick legs to his running....hahaha too funny. He's such a ham.

Ash and I met Nik after the show in the cantina downstairs of the Opernhouse but soon departed due to our exhaustion - still felt a little jet lagged. Plus we wanted to get an early start to Berlin =].

Ok so that was our brief over view of day two in Europe. Now on to today's adventures! Although before I dig into that... I must admit that this morning was one of those mornings for me...around 7:30 or so, a half hour before our alarm would go off...I all of a sudden had a moment, a breaking point. I just started freakin out about auditions Nd not being in class for a week now how paranoid I won't be "in shape" when I do audition and getting to ballet or dance class by myself in Germany with no familiarity of the language etc... That last bit about being alone...when I go take class in Berlin it will be the first time I M completely on my own - no Nik no Ash - and that freaked me out and I began to also feel homesick for the first time really. On top of that I read the text from my mom about Verizon information and at the end she said have fun I love you - that's what broke me and tears started streaming. Then Ash realized something was up and just thank god she is here with me. That we are here together. Not only does she make me laugh like NO other but she walks has some great advice and a good head on her shoulders. What she said to me next I have said to myself already but hearing it from someone else resonates differently and in this case a light bulb went on in my head. I wrote about this and the 6 points I formulated from her goes as follows: 1. I'm not alone - she too is feeling lost and overwhelmed; 2. Maybe this is suppose to happen - me breaking down; 3. I don't have to travel everywhere, I can stay in one place, on Kiel the whole time if I like and have a constant place to dance; 4. I don't have to audition everywhere- choose my favorites; 5.exercise outside of the studio- self practice yoga in Niks brilliant living room or at a studio; 6. If you have a freak out moment, revel in it for a minute - feel it and let it pass as it should and get your bearings. That last one is truly resonating. I think our mantra for this trip is Murphy's law Hahahaa. Then when things go right it 's an EXTRA amazing experience!! So after some tears, words of wisdom, and embraces we got ready to leave on our Berlin adventure!!

So we managed to get to the train station via bus right outside Nik's in no time and without trouble! Then difficulties our EuRail pass validated and ready to go with help from the oh so very lovely citizens of Kiel...NOT! "english? Nine!". But we figured it out and for on our train to Hamburg successfully at 10:21 am; then onto Berlin by 12:06 pm.'s one of the best parts of our day... We only had one stop before we had to get off the train before it continued we stop and Ive got my map as well as all the contents of my purse out and strewn about the table and Ash looks at my map and pints out "oh I think we are here so it looks like we've got another hour or hour and a half. " well... I kid you no joke about 10 minutes later the train starts slowing down again and then we notice we ad pulling into another station. The train stops and we both look up and see the sign that says "Berlin Hpf" and the. Gasp with wide eyes open at each other and SHIT! It's or stop! So then im like whatbdo i do first?? I literally grab my coat and then swip everything off the table and into it (praying I have everything), grab my carryon while Ash is scrambling to get her stuff. Then my head phones get stuck in the chair and stop me from moving forward while Ash gets them loose saying "hurry! Go!" I'm like "I'm trying!". Then I manage to get off and throw everything on the ground just as Ash literally throws her suitcase out of the train just behind my legs - any closer to me and I would have been knocked down - and she barely makes it off the train...hahaha this experience has kept us laughing non-stop today and will forever! Oh my god. Plus this brings a whole new meaning to our running joke that by the time we get to the train it will be all full...

Soooo next we catch the bus to our hostel! And success with that too! But by then we were definitely famished and delirious. So after checking into our nice clean hostel we went venturing off on a main street in search for nourishment =]. Ash had this amazing looking gyro and we split some pommes frites and then went into this Vietnamese restaurant so I could get some pha (spelling...?) - mmmmm so good and hit the spot. Of course all over a couple Becks =]. Finally the next best part to our day was the little asian man who served us - he offers us English menus, took our picture, and after paying he saw Ash'a Europe book out and he gave us inside information on Berlin. Now we are know where to see Hitler's bunker, the last remnant of The Wall, holocaust memorial and more. SO great. Ash and I are totally going back tomorrow night to tell Him about our journies =]. So today was good after all! And we are starting to get the hang of this traveling thing, for now anyhow! ;]. Alright this is plenty to read so I sign off to you now!

1 comment:

  1. This is so great! LOVE it! So glad you two are together! The Adventures of the Ash's has only begun! LOL!
